The holidays are here and between Thanksgiving and Christmas we are all celebrating and eating and drinking perhaps a little more than we should.
It is hard to stay focused on maintaining our healthy eating habits when treats are all around us. Or friends and family members are all urging us to let go and celebrate. And we should but we can celebrate the season without letting go of our goals for ourselves.
One of the ways we can do this is by continuing to stay with our healthy eating habits as much as possible. If we take a day to eat more sweets than usual, we should not give up, but start every day with a positive approach to eat healthy again. Drinking is also part of our celebratory approach to the holidays but again, best not to overdo and regret it the next day.
One way to remind us to stay healthy and help make us mindful of our daily choices is to continue our daily patterns of exercising. Walking or running, cycling, taking a Zumba class, or working out at a gym are all ways that we remind ourselves to take care of our bodies. This healthy pattern, continuing throughout the holiday season, can keep us more aware of our daily choices for nutrition as well as exercise.
So let us celebrate and join in the holiday spirit but keep our eyes also on our personal goals to live a healthy and happy lifestyle.